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A Message To A Tired, And Fed Up America

Published on 22 May 2024 / In Entertainment
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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Hey Rhino, it's all "according to plan..." A lot of us are leaving...Fuck'em, and Don't blame GenX: Boomers killed us off. We never had the numbers to elicit change.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

New haircut?! I heard that those men military age from Redacted are Chinese WHO "army" soldiers to be used to force a Lockdown during the next the UN tries to steal our election and sovereignty via traitorous Congress members (including Senators) and Our Potato-In-Chief...

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CobaltSteel 2 months ago

Thank you Rhino. I have thought the same for many years. All we can do is be prepared and wait for the rank and file to catch up.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Or not be here... I think China's WHO "army" is going to enforce the next Plandemic's Lockdown upon us or DIE trying... we are not slaves yet ..

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