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A Creepy Single Mother Wants Me - MGTOW

Published on 19 Oct 2022 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Rusty and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, A few months ago during the darkest days of my divorce, I received a random phone call from my old college friend Angelina. This was a girl I met in one of my classes who has a good sense of humor and fun personality. It was fun hanging out with her back then, but she rejected my attempts to make our relationship a romantic one. We remained friends, and she introduced me to many more friends, including one who I hooked up with and briefly dated. Around that same time I met my future ex-wife, who gradually melted my brain because she was so attractive. Future ex-wife was alarmed by some of Angelina's personal stories, such as how she dumped one boyfriend for another because the other guy was better in bed. Angelina also once admitted to viewing adult materials for her entertainment, which was a really funny conversation. My future ex-wife told me to stop talking her because she believed Angelina to be a homewrecker. So we lost touch after college. Fast forward about 10 years, I'm single again, and out of nowhere Angelina reestablishes contact with me - like a shark smelling period blood in the water. The timing felt weirdly coincidental, but there was no way she could have known about my divorce since we no longer have any mutual friends. Anyway, it felt great to have the social interaction with her again after being on the leash of marriage for so long. We shared some laughs on the phone, and I learned that she was also going through a high conflict divorce! She began to frequently call me asking for advice on how to navigate the court system. According to her, her ex husband is a dangerous, mentally unstable man with diagnosed bipolar disorder. She is trying to get full custody of their child and boot him out of their lives because according to her, he is physically violent. At first I believed her stories, but cracks started form and I began to feel gaslit. For example, she denies her past stories, now claiming that she was a virgin until being married and that she's never seen smut before. Also, every word she has to say about her ex is negative, but she stayed with this man for 7 years and even went through the expense of fertility treatments to have a child with him at the very end of their marriage. My gut tells me that something doesn't add up. In our last phone chat, she told me how he had mental instability issues early in their relationship. He allegedly drove his car into a lake once because he was angry, another time attacked their dog with a wrench, and dissects small animals for fun. I asked her why she stayed in that relationship because to me it seems like she exercised poor judgement, doubling down on a terrible situation by starting a family. Angelina told me that it's not her fault and that she stayed with him because of intense social pressure from her church community. However, I question how much she was inclined to stay because he's a 6-foot, 4-inch tall blonde haired surgeon. Angelina's last words to me several weeks ago were "thank you for your support". When she initially reconnected with me, I thought that she could be a fun friend with benefits as I recover from my divorce.

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QuantMan 2 years ago

She doesn't want you. She wants your wallet.

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OK fuck no - when the stories change - get the fuck out of there.
Relationships are like Yo-Yo's - really stable ones, hang either at the top of the string, the middle or the bottom of the string.
The crazies are the one that go up and down and back up all day.... From the basement to the penthouse and back.

Once the stories change and conflict with what she said one day is radically different to what she said another day... Watch out.
Fuck that.

Get out of there.

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csehszlovakze 2 years ago

I shut down every single mother with "sorry I'm not a pedophile" and if they don't get the hint I explain to them that they're completely worthless compared to a woman without kids their age... I'm not saying guys dating single moms are necessarily pedos, but it really makes these feefails think

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ShadowMonk 2 years ago

She probably wants to sabotage and fuck you’re life up on purpose.

Justice is dead and as a desperate measure of last resort is revenge in any means even by violence.

Getting revenge is the only last hope for justice.

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