California Dreaming | Live From The Lair

Que the Cheech and Chong song because California Leadership is feeling the burn...We'll Break it All Down tonight at 8 PM EDT!
#CaliforniaDreaming #UpInSmoke #Redonkulas
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I remember now: In America, we do have Aborignes, we just call them LA-ites...
I remember now
@Moisture_Patrol: next Thursday... Thurday next week, this week is Battle Dwarf...for Popp.
Damnit Dave... you had me laughing and I forgot what I was going to say... Oh Well, Have a good one guys!
@Moisture_Patrol: Camping/hunting food works too. Buy a couple of meals... most are kind of dehydrated, I guess it's really good for storage... and taste better than MREs, I'd wager... and for the Hogslayer, there's lasagna too.