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43 Y/O Post Wall Only Fans Single Mom Explains Why She Has Been SINGLE and SEGGSLESS For 10 Years

Published on 28 May 2024 / In People & Blogs

43 year old Post Wall Woman O F Single Mom Explains Why She Has Been SINGLE and SEGGSLESS For 10 Years Modern Dating is confusing for men and women. Our videos are made for educational purposes.

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Toki 2 months ago

She can't even make this video without half her fake boobs hanging out.
Also funny how otehr women see her a threat. As if the other wives aren't covered in slut makeup and showing off like prostitutes advertising.

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QuantMan 2 months ago

@2:31 - There we have it: she runs adult sites. No credibility.

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QuantMan 2 months ago

There are no shortage of men to bang her. Hence, if she has gone without, it is entirely her fault.

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Toki 2 months ago

Well would you? I don't want. I have blonde waifus who are more organic/natural than she is. Less makeup, better faces, and more natural chests. This old hoe would have to pay me and I would still turn her down just to see the look on her face. I don't care about Satan's money so she's got nothing to lure me in with. Nothing. The only thing she deserves credit for is not being typically fat like most women her age and half her age.

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QuantMan 2 months ago

@Toki: I wouldn't. I am a mgtow monk. Waifus could be quite useful but I choose just to rub one off when needed. Low cost.

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Toki 2 months ago

@QuantMan: Yeah waifus are free with internet access. I never pay for art or the games because it's all digital anyways. I don't go so far as to buy the $300 figurines or anything. A waifu could also be a seksdoll but yeah that costs quite a bit of money. That's why I prefer Honey Select the waifu seksdoll simulator. I found the repack heavily modded version in a free download. It's not a gatcha game either. All the clothes and everything is simply in the game. The only thing to look out for is modders who try to hide their content behind paywalls. Grifters basically.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

"Let's all take a ride on this simptastic voyage..." Put herself out there? All you have to do is be in the right area and just bend over... work done... well wearing panties too: Oh God the workload is too much!?! I mean if she just wanted to get her "plumbing" wet and working, I'd blow a load on her but not in her... I'd pump those pipes though ans then she can stop whining about ten years... I gave up sex for over ten years like ten years ago...I mean I had sex but I am a picky choser.... Herpes is for life guys....

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Toki 2 months ago

I prefer the wholesome purity and eternal youth of Princess Peach. She rocks pink. One of my mains in Honey Select. Picture a more Street Fighter model design of Peach with the extra sexy mods turned up to MAX.
She's pale. Not fake tanned. I don't understand why Caucasian women are tanning it's ugly. The paler the better. Zero tattoos except my Peach has a heart womb tattoo. The only type of good tattoos are womb tattoos only seen by me Peach's Daddy in Honey S. The public doesn't see this tattoo because she's 100% mine unless someone steals my PC.
The digital age of the police state surveillance and cameras is frightening. But on the side good side I have all I need in a desktop PC to be set for life. Including a harem of lovely waifus when I need it. From a former shota-Chad I can tell you it's better than real sex because I truly adore the waifus who are worth trusting and loving. There's no mistrust.
Real women give me the thirsty eyes because they know. Drives them nuts when they can't control a male at all. Women are stupid but they do have that sixth sense to know what men's sex lives are like behind the scenes. It's funny because I'm a rare male in my area who doesn't have a middle-aged male pregnant belly. Oh no. I have a Bruce Lee body. But women can't touch it because it's reserved for waifus. They want my longtime monk purity so bad but I enjoy ignoring them when they try to talk to me. I've even made a few cry after shooing them away. I caught on early at the age of about 25. Is that early though? I went through the suffering of the years of 16-25 before I retired from inferior real women. Then waifus became a thing and there was no looking back. Japan saving lives.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

I hope it's a Linux computer... Microshaft just admitted to spying on us more and locking your MS Office account if you say "naughty things" about our electiosn, Feds, Potatoe-Head-In-Chief, etc. as for the tannig, it depicts heathy women: We need sunlight to create Vitamin D. If society collapses, in the North, the coloreds are going to start having painful deaths from Vitamin D defiency as they will not longer get it aded to our food and milk.... so.... learn whaling like the eskimos because that's the only source of Vitamin C and D in the north...

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Toki 2 months ago

@WMHarrison94: I never get sunlight. Only moonlight. I don't care about vitamens. That's rich people fretting over first world problems.

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