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4 Things A Man Should Never Tolerate From A Woman

Published on 02 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation

If you have just been DUMPED or become Red Pill or MGTOW (what I call modern day Stoicism), then listen to and take in this advice regarding women. you can also apply this to Politic's and Religion as well, but this will help the newly DUMPED to understand and start to learn how not to be SHIT on ever again!

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

Some sound advice here... Those fucking toxic patriarchy, am I right? LOL!?

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Councilof1 4 months ago

There's something I read from Winston Churchill that keeps me moving forward "when going through Hell keep going".

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mrghoster 4 months ago

Very true, the truble with many people is when they get in a Hellish state they give up.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

Churchville literally been through hell at Christian or Catholic run boarding schools and as an intelligence officer in Her Majesty's Service... just saying and he was a natural artist, literary, eho took up painting later...

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