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3D Model Shows Trump Moved His Head at Exact Perfect Moment

Published on 17 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

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WMHarrison94 7 months ago

Yep. If Trump died, it would be Civil War or atleast the Feds and the Federal government getting all shot up. When they try to steal this country in The Fog of War, which these Satanic Jewish Globohomos are good at doing for centuries, I hope the Holy Spirit has some more divine intervention right there...where these Serpents are...

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sauger1001 7 months ago

Me: Divine Intervention is real (Dan. 2:21).
Agnostics/atheists/feminists: "OH! Who hurt you? REEEEE!"

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who hurt me it was GOD, he is my Daddy and he is invisible and lives up in the sky and he told me he was going to the petrol station to get gas and smokes and he never came back he came back and he perves on me while im in the shower haha those evil godless fucks brains will explode when they hear that kind of answer haha :D \G/ Brother GODBLESS YOU GOD BE WITH YOU AND GODSPEED AND REMEMBER WHO HURT YOU -- GOD AND IF THEY ASKED THEN WHO HEALED YOU -- GOD :D WATCH THEM EXPLODE :D \G/

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GEORGE CARLIN had his views on GOD and i dont agree with all said he was right to worship the sun because you can see it and it does good things for your apart from sunburn and cancer. well the sun was made by GOD and is his creation so I respect that and give it some worship and dont go overboard with it AS GOD AND CHRIST ARE FIRST AND ONLY MATTER, then again GOD ALMIGHTY CHRIST ALMIGHTY GOD IS KING AND CHRIST IS KING IS WAY BETTER THAN SUN ALMIGHTY AND SUN IS KING JUST DOESNT HAVE THE SAME RING TO IT HAHA GOD AND CHRIST BLESS AND BE WITH YOU GODSPEED BROTHER :D \G/

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WMHarrison94 7 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Well, God El is in you; it's your Soul the piece He gave you at inception and allows us to be human ro perceive time. Second, Sol Invictus would be made at you, but don't worry his Caesars are dead... There is an intenional play on Words here, the Word definitely planned this... Sun the well sun, that bright thing in the sky giving us energy and life and the Son, the Son of God, the Son of Man, the Word Made Flesh... oh yeah, He knew what he was doing...Sun and Son are chosen for a reason...though, man did worship the Sun: I wonder was that before or after the Tower of Babylon's falling?

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