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The TFM Show: 5/13/2023

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Published on 14 May 2023 / In People & Blogs

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Darthtickles 11 months ago


Why aren't you an "elite". Why arent you, at the very least, promoting the creation of the necessary "elites".

This is more sit on your ass and whine coping. The world hasn't magically transformed since the Civil War. Men are simply lazy and weak.

Stop making excuses, and fix the problems that you think are the source. Not enough "elites"? Then do your part to create and empower them.

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Darthtickles 11 months ago


It's a little more nuanced than Xi being some hardcore communist ideologue who wants to roll back the advances of capitalism in China.

The CCP loves the wealth and power that markets provide for them, but they recognize the threat to their political power that it represents. What XI has done is curb the excesses of the impact of the markets by reinforcing the sense of equality that underpins socialist power and putting individual business oligarchs in their place so they cannot create a factional threat within the party and/or country at large.

So what is really happening is a check on the corollary impact of free markets, as opposed to a hamfisted assault on the markets themselves for its own sake.

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Darthtickles 11 months ago


Musk is obviously a smart guy and a hard-worker, but yes it is luck and connections that separate the moderately successful entrepreneur from the superstar billionaire.

Nerds who think that Musk is Iron Man here to save them from the leftists and take them all to Mars on his rockets need to fix their shit. That is a pathetically uninformed and weak position to have. There are no heroes, and no one is coming to save you.

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Darthtickles 11 months ago


I think it's easy to forget at 40 what it was like to be 20. I'm embarrassed to think about how weak, effeminate and stupid I was even at 30, let alone 20. Moreover, I was considered too 'rough' and 'masculine' by my community even back then, so the pressure to faggotize today's men must be crushing.

That said, I would have killed to have a resource like TFM and the gang when I was 20. One of the few things that still makes me viscerally angry is knowing that all this knowledge was out there, but it was gatekept by a society that wanted to turn me into a pudgy, effeminate wage slave.

All the knowledge that young guys need is right here. All they need to do is man up and act on it. It sucks you are being raised to be useless faggots, but if you made it here, you have the tools that you need to set yourself free.

Do no fucking waste them.

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Darthtickles 12 months ago


The key to analysis is being self-critical of what you think you know. Whenever something deviates from your existing understanding or expectations, ask yourself what specifically you had wrong that led to this outcome. Look for patterns in your mistakes and misunderstandings, as you will have flaws with your general analytical framework that need to be corrected.

What most people do when they are wrong is close the tab, ghost the discussion, call everyone nazi pedophiles to soothe their wounded ego and so on. People refuse to confront their analytical weaknesses because its hard and uncomfortable mental work. Much easier to hide in an echo chamber and imagine that everyone outside of it who challenges your beliefs is stupid and/or evil.

No tricks. No courses. Just a never-ending self-critical effort to improve your analytical framework and general relevant knowledge base. Every day youll get a little better. After a few years, youll be embarrassed by how stupid you used to be.

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