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2021 drone over Arizona

Published on 06 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation

100mph crazy rayathon?

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From what I have heard from someone who knows more about drones than I do, he told me that those who have drones that give out green flashing signals similar to the RED that helicopters and planes do for signal, those that give a green are run by Cops/Military to get away with doing Recon on "Civilians/Citizens/sheeple" as they are not allowed under rules of law yeah right.

I know about that because me and a few of my friends had that happen to us 1day while we were at our Religious place of Worship and saw a drone with Green lights hovering at a low level and then get sky high in an instant have green flashing lights and that's when one of my friends said it's a police drone as he has worked with them before and only their drones are able to get really high and flash green lights.

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