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18 Minutes Of Modern Women SHOWING Why Men Are Walking Away From Dating

Published on 22 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

Well here we go again, Yawn! lol! Women projecting their failures onto MAN blaming and NOT getting the TRUE picture at all. (It's YOU fefail CUNTS) you created your own demise! lol! It starts with women saying "The Pamdemic did something to them". They put it over as possitive, but we GUY's know Lockdowns destroyed the already Deluded fefail completely. Projection again, it didn't do what they are saying, well not to women anyway. lockdowns made women go crazy, as a Guy it gave me (as I broke all the rules that is), the respite to take a close look at ALL aspects of life which IO took on board and now comfortably live, AND I'm NOT projecting that either because I'm a logical, Rational ,MAN, who didn't sit their sobbing over a box of wine talking to my CAT! lol! I got of my ASS and acted on what I worked out in my head. I can multitask and cook and cklean in fact house work is very mindful and you hgave something to show for it when it's done. Wheither I'm boiling an EGG or repairing a Nuclear Reactor, it's all the same to me! lol! This video actually explains in THEIR own words why women are so fucking LAZY, and DIRTY in general! lol!

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saaralgris 2 months ago

They never hesitate to display their ineptitude at life, do they?

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Councilof1 2 months ago

They don't want a man they want a slave.

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