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Published on 11 Apr 2024 / In Other

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Jaygo 2 months ago

well yea and no.. Yes, Most rappers are Black people, but Blacks don't control rap or the Music Industry. Jewish people controls those industries, like they control all industries.. Just as White people may seem to control America because it's mostly White, but It's Jewish people who actually controls America. These same people who now Identifies themselves as "Jewish" have been doing this since Biblical times. In different countries under different identities. The Biblical records, Actually the Book of Jasher give in Great details their plans, and It literally says how they made a pact to always control every government from behind the scenes, Placing the face of whatever demographic as the face but they will be the controllers behind the scenes.. People have no idea how long these "people" have been doing this.. Why do you think they now control practically every Government and industry in the world? They've been doing this for 1000's of years. Ancient Babylon, Egypt, Persia , Greek and Rome to Modern day America and the West and all other Eastern countries are controlled by them. THIS is what people need to grasp and understand.

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Ozmosis 2 months ago

yeah, I thought that to when she said that, but I guess on a surface level blacks are the image of it. Obviosly though behind the scenes jewish powers are puppeteering it for social engenneering and mind control like all of entertainment industry. Hell most of what whites get blamed for a jew was behind it like the Atlantic slave trade and kkk jews created it. Albert Pike was the man that started the kkk he converted to christianity if I recall typical jew thing whenever they enter a country they blend in and even mix with population there to eventualy take it over from within over time to subvert that nation annd its traditional culture to usher in communism.

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Ozmosis 2 months ago

Just look at mexico it elected in a jewish mutt for president if mexico already didnt have its problems it's about to get way worse for them hope they enjoy pro nouns and drag queen story time.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

Hmmm... I wonder what kind of Jewpocalypse we going to be seeing soon?

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

Yep... and Hitlers have to rise to rid their fatherland of you... History rhymes...

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 4 months ago

She's saying what I have been always saying. Nobody hates bad jews more than good jews.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

Yeah those Satanic Jews hiding under the cover of conservative er orthodox Jews...

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