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10 Minutes Of Feminists Getting Hilariously Slam Dunked

Published on 11 Feb 2024 / In Film & Animation

Feminist being slaughtered at the blade of common sense and logic! lol! Feminism today isn't about equality, it NEVER was. Feminism from the OFF was about destroying mainly WMEN and it has worked big time. Now all the dumb CUNT's that followed it and tried to destroy and blame MEN for it all, and also the most entitled, unappreciative and pathetis fefail Gender in history are pleading with MEN to come back? FUCK OFF, because MEN (REAL MEN) that is have already moved on and are making a good life for themselves, with their own Money, Time, and trouble free peac of mind. This shows feminism is a DELUSION that pathetic CUNT's whole Haertedly bought into, not that women have a HEART these day's. Women are getting exactly what they deserve for what they ASKED for and GOT, now it's far to late to go back to save their pathetic asses from DOOM. As a MAN a Strong Independent MAN, I can make my own sandwich, at the same time as I repair my own car or Motorcycle. I can COOK, I can do my OWN hosework that oddly enough IS quite SATISFYING to do. So "WHAT THE FUCK WOULD i NEED A WOMAN FOR"? Don't even need sex anymore but this could be an age thing? I get the same high of buzz as PUSSY from a fast car or Motorcycle, learning a musical instrument doing fuvking Crosswiord puzzles, apprenty the same od similar Chemicals are released as haveing SEX so I read a while back? lol! women are getting fucked in a different way and it's what they deserve with their Shitty attitude and STI's, and being ignored openly by MEN these day's, because their "VIBE" isn't what MEN want today. Peace Gent's.

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usr6874038614 5 months ago

Nicely shows Rachel Madcow's manipulation tactics to hide the truth and push the instructed narrative. Except that here she met a bloke who hit her in the face with facts and was not intimidated by her manipulation. She probably had to do a Kamala afterwards to appease her masters ...

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TripeSwing 5 months ago

what's with the egregious neck tattoos? They are as red a flag as a flag can get red. Really, they are aposematic and actually inspire a mild fear response in my gut.

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SteveOUK 6 months ago

"You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince."
Hon, you're not kissing. You're opening your legs and wearing out your anatomy. It matters.

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sauger1001 6 months ago

I think she missed one word following 'frogs': 'D!cks'.

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Rachel Maddow - Number One Network Executive Cock Sucker....

In other words, a complete moron, and corporate whore.

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usr6874038614 6 months ago

Couldn't have said it any better

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@usr6874038614: I have to deal with so many fucked in the head women.... When one falls off a cliff, "Oh well that's one less retarded piece of shit I have to deal with". = Life has just suddenly gotten that one little bit better, easier and smoother to progress through.

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sauger1001 6 months ago

I believe she's a lint licker, though I'd imagine if money's involved, she'll probably go both ways with the corporate brass, as you alluded. Nowadays the Wall has slammed into her... hard.

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@sauger1001: My phrase, "A corporate whore" - means basically one thing, these are people who will say and do anything for money. In Maddows case, she is probably the office knob jockey too.

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sauger1001 6 months ago

1:50. All these "moral" requirements from a woman with a full chest and neck tattoo(?). LMAO!

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