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'Treat 'em mean to keep em keen?' Low Effort Men & Single Women

Published on 29 Nov 2023 / In Entertainment

'Treat 'em mean to keep em keen?' Low Effort Men & Single Women #modernwoman #life #girlmath

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 8 months ago

"Is it manipulation?"

She's wearing a padded push up bra
She's got lip fillers
She's wearing makeup
She's wearing spandex
She's wearing heels
She's using filters
She's put on perfume
She's acting nicer than she is
She's using a cuter voice than is hers
She's downplaying her sexual history
She's pretending to like you for a meal

Is being mean to "keep her keen" manipulation?
Who cares! She's still got a higher score in that game than our whole damn team.

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csehszlovakze 8 months ago

I wish this western mindset would cease to exist. Expecting your female partner to pull her own weight in the relationshit ISN'T ABUSE. Even the fucking tradcucks believe this crap but are in total denial about it.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 8 months ago

"Partner".... I prefer even more neutered terms like "life partner" and "executive bed mate".

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csehszlovakze 8 months ago

@DutchCobbler: what term would you use instead? I didn't plan on listing all relationship statuses one by one lmao

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 8 months ago

@csehszlovakze: No worries, man. I just poke at that word a lot, especially around married people. It's not you.

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