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Defamation - This is REALLY good and it backs up what Amr says about some jews being good and other jews being bad.

Published on 09 Oct 2023 / In Film & Animation

Some jews think other jews are fucking scumbags.... Very interesting documentary.

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There was a guy coming to this site from Israel and he was a fine guy, but he did ALL of his videos in the hebrew language.....
Which as it turned out was only spoken by 0.13% of the worlds population... or something close to that.
I advised him to: a) Only speak in English, with hebrew subtitles or b) to only speak in hebrew with english subtitles or c) make the same video with an english and a hebrew version - by simply dubbing over the top of the same video....
He did none of it and was more or less producing videos that disappear into the vacuum of space - because almost no one in the entire world, understands hebrew....
It was a pity he chose the easy option, as he could speak hebrew fluently and english - well enough to understand.

It was a great pity because Israel he said, was a feminist shit hole, and he spoke of things that if you were a man and got divorced, and the bitch was extracting cash from you, they would take your pass port and you were NOT allowed to leave the country....

Just tons of really fucking crappy feminist bullshit was going on.

If the feminist's carry guns - shoot the feminists.

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