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the Darwin awards - m l

Published on 26 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

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mrghoster 10 hours ago

In the first clip I would be inclined to use my wipers and Screen wash rather than swerve of the road. mind you those Flies are fucking big in India, didn't realize they wore clothing though? lol! I notice that pedestrians in India are as fucking stupid as those in the UK, only out smarted for dumbness by the UK's Cyclist, or Road fodder as I call those retards. After all a cyclist is just a dumb fuck pedestrian on wheels! lol! They are like flies round a TURD aren't they, That dumb fuck on the train roof just had to touch the live wire, that was it's destiny I guess! lol! Finally we have the retards trying the worlds largest Ice Cream Cone touching the power lines! lol! I don't get it? they had all that fucking great field to walk their cone in and chose the one most dangerous place.to walk with Mr Whippy.

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Speeding - at times, can be a VERY bad idea.

That dick head doing a zillion KMH - and a wheelie on his motorbike and POW! right up the arse of a stationary (?) car....

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pathologicalimbicile 3 months ago

music: Major Lazer

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