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Published on 11 Nov 2024 / In Comedy

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KEEPER 27 days ago  

some of these are repeats that you probably already seen, but they are still funny and apparently she's got more videos to come. this is barring's wife sugar tits, she is pretty based like barring so, she's got a similar style to him.

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WMHarrison94 27 days ago

Yeah. Good video for Sugar Tits! Feral pussy?! Damn ..

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Leader_Desslok 27 days ago

the wakko with the crazy eyes @ 9:40 has some sort of problem with reality as well . she has the emotions of a child .

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Amiba 27 days ago

@16:47 New deathcore vocal style?

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Amiba 27 days ago

Also @7:45 How is that guy so stupid to not realize that Hawaii is part of the US?

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KEEPER 27 days ago

i noticed that too lol, so stupid these liberals are, this is how they got the nickname libtards after all, when they constantly say or do dumbshit like this showing the world how retarded they really are.

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Leader_Desslok 27 days ago

people that live in a fantasy world like him , have no idea that America is part of north America except that the Hawaiian archipelago is ian island group in the pacific ocean . it is located about 2000 miles west of america .

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KEEPER 27 days ago

even i won't purchase a Tesla, not because of some temper tantrum about Elon or anything like that, i just view his vehicles shit, i view all EV's shit, they all run off of that shit battery technology that starts on fire for no damn reason, hell simply getting wet from salt water will make them catch fire, so while driving in the snow on a road that has ample salt poured on it, and you just so happen to hit a pothole and something in your battery is damaged, suddenly you will have to abandon the vehicle, that's how stupid that technology is, plus they burn as a chemical fire which means they are damn near impossible to put out properly and the burn off is nothing but toxic smoke from hell, meaning they are now worse than a normal vehicle with gasoline in them, it's over all a shit design for a vehicle.

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Leader_Desslok 27 days ago

Elon Mush himself told everyone that the electric car is very limited in the places where you can or should use it . he also said that the power grid would take years to catch up to demand ( if ever) if the governments mandated that gas vehicles no longer be manufactured . of course the "climate scam " zombies only hear what they want to hear .

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KEEPER 27 days ago

@Leader_Desslok: i'm not saying it's a bad idea all around, it's good to be energy efficient, but it should never be sacrificed on the idea of everything solar and wind and hydro powered, we should always have backups no matter the cost to the environment, if you remember what happened to Texas only a few years back when they dismantled all of their coal and nuclear power for stupid wind and solar generators, at first they boasted about how efficient it was, but when that winter storm hit they were fucked, because there was suddenly nothing to fall back on when it came to power generation and they were pretty much shit out of luck, nobody was prepared for that storm because of stupid politicians that should have been left to hang for that stupid mistake, you never jeopardize ppl's lives on stupid solar wind and hydro power generating, you should always have multiple backup systems meant for power generating so that kind of dumbass situation could never happen again.

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